BE SMART WORK SAFE - Wer mitdenkt hat mehr von seiner Freizeit

Titre traduit en anglais

BE SMART WORK SAFE - think first and enjoy your free time

Film: Durée en minutes

01.00 minutes

Description du produit

«be smart work safe» speaks the way young people communicate. With this campaign, SAFE AT WORK raises awareness among young people of the channels used by them: a website, a Facebook page, a YouTube channel and an annual season of three short films inform on the issue safety at work. Every year, the campaign is adapted to the newest changes in the field of communication platforms used by the young target group for daily communication. During the next two years, it is further developed via the channels used by young people. All measures follow the strategic approach to show young people the advantages of correct behaviours at work. Safety at work for more fun in leisure time!

Objectif et finalité

With the message Be a smartworker: Who thinks along has more from his spare time" the campaign shows which consequences the wrong behavior at the job can have on the spare time.

The awareness campaign was launched in 2013 and is carried out in 3 phases: from the knowledge transfer to the change in attitude to the change in behaviour. In the first phase – the awareness phase – is achieved that safety at work becomes an issue for the target group of young people undertaking vocational training. It is considered to provide the target group with knowledge on safety at work. In the second phase – the activation phase – a dialogue is conducted with the target group. Thus, the attitude towards the issue safety at work is changed and action is required from the target group. In the third and last phase – the phase of reward – the change in behaviour is consolidated and established as a current standard. Correct behaviour is rewarded and the young people are further encouraged to change their behaviour and to follow the rules of safety at work.

Public cible

Young employees between 15 and 19 years

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Eidgenössische Koordinationskommission für Arbeitssicherheit EKAS
Av. Beauregard1, Schweiz-1700 Fribourg

Coordonnées de la société de production

cR Kommunikation
Falkenplatz11, Schweiz-3012 Bern